Nervous System Anatomy Part2
27/02/2014 17:38
The brain
The brain is located inside the cranial cavity, where the skull protects it, becuase of the soft origin of itself. the brain is divided into three categories according to the embrionary development: The Forebrain (or prosencephalon), The Midbrain (or mesencephalon) and The Hidbrain (or rhombencephalon)
- The Forebrain: is conformed by the cerebrum, thalamus, hypothalamus and pineal gland. Professionals on neuroanatomy classifies the area where the thalamus and pineal cord in the diencephalon
- The Midbrain: located near the center of the brain right between the midbrain and the interbrain, it contain a portion of the brainstem.
- The Hidbrain: it contains the remaining of the brainstem, cerebellum and pons. Professionals in neuroanatomy reference to the cerebellum and pons as part of the metencephalon.
Toghether the brain and the spine forms The Central Nervous System in wich the infromation is processed and the responses are originated.
The brain apart of being responsible for mental functions sucha as consciousness, memory, planning, it is also the main participant in the control of the respiration, herat rate, blood and also digestion.
The Spinal Cord
The Spinal Cord is a thin mass formed by neurons that carries informations through the vertebral cavity, beggining at the medula oblongata of the brain and continuing to the lumbar region of the spine. The White matter of the spinal cord functions as the main conduct of nerves signals to the body, and the grey matter integrates reflexes to stimuli.
Figures: Retrieved form google images.